
Hook Group

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Verano caluroso. Cerámica es sostenebilidad
High temperatures, even at night, will affect our well-being. Science has shown that rest during hot nights is of poorer quality. That…
Obra de Cerámicas Mora en los Premios de Arquitectura 2019-2020
We participate in this project of the architects, Camila Aybar and Juan José Mateos with our Clinker bricks Baco and Ceniza models,…
Nuevo premio para Cerámicas Mora
29x9x4.8 White Clinker Brick in the interior and exterior of this award-winning single-family house in Australia in the Design Houses contest. In…
Premio del ladrillo en Inglaterra a Ceramicas Mora
England, one of the countries with the greatest culture in facing brick facades and with high quality demands, is one of our…
As a result of the new line of textured and multicolour products, we have this beautiful work in Belgium. A modern, functional…
Reciclaje de materiales cerámicos
♻ The recyclability of ceramic materials is a highly valued aspect in obtaining sustainable certifications, such as GREEN, BREEAM or LEED, due…
That is what Ladrillos Mora has done in the last ten years. Victim like all brick companies of the crisis in the…
Vivienda unifamiliar moderna en Belgica
Personality and a way of building according to their climatic conditions. This single-family home in Belgium is a compendium of shapes, textures,…
Arch Juan Carlos Navarro. Hundreds of centuries to the present day but in a continuous evolution, the face brick facades have managed…
Work in Philadelphia, USA Distributor: Belden Tri State Brick: Clinker Cibeles Originality, simplicity, beauty and a way of treating brick that makes…
Hook Group - Cerámicas Mora